Thursday, December 13, 2012

Final Review of Crest 3D White Professional Effects Whitestrips

I finished my 20 day whitening challenge!!  And these strips really do work - I can't stop smiling!!
You don't just have to take my word for it, see for yourself!! 

Top photo taken 12/12/12; Bottom on 11/14/12

My bottom teeth are still a little more yellow than I would like, so I may look into buying another box of strips after the holidays are over (budget is too tight this month with all the gifts I've been buying!).  But overall I am very happy with the results.  I didn't have any crazy expectations like having a movie star smile after using these strips, especially with how yellow my teeth were to begin with (YUCK!), but for the price I am completely satisfied and would highly recommend them.  They are a little expensive ($50 a box), but still very affordable compared to the alternative of 100's of $$$s at the dentist!

Oh and the best part, the results should last up to 12 months!!!   I will try and do some occasional updates to show how the color is holding up during that time.  

If you are interested in trying them, here is Crest's website.  There is a "Where to Buy" link at the top of the page that can direct you to an online retailer or a local store.  Also, here is Crest's FAQs if you have any other questions about these strips.  If you missed my original post when I first received these strips, check it out here.  I show what the strips look like on (barely noticeable!) and talk a little bit about how much better these new strips stay put on your teeth compared to the older versions.

Don't forget Crest's motto: "If you're not whitening, you're yellowing."   So very true!

Just a reminder, I received the Crest 3D White Professional Effects Whitestrips complimentary from Influenster for testing and review purposes.  If you are interested in signing up with Influester, just send me a message or leave a comment!

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Day 15?

Wow, I really wasn't kidding about being forgetful....I just counted the rest of the strips and I still have 5 days left!! So I guess that makes the new target date for the final post/review next Wednesday (provided I don't forget any more days!  lol).

So here's a picture I just took tonight:

No changes really since the last one, but I have no clue at this point how many strips I've used in between this photo and the last.

Final post to be delayed a few days :(

I ended up forgetting to use the strips over the weekend (see my regular blog My Crazy, Beautiful Life for more info about what's going on), so I have to delay the final post for a few days until I finish using them.  :(   But I promise I'll post an updated pic when I get home tonight to show my progress so far and get an exact count of how many days I have left!  (I even have a reminder alarm set on my phone so I won't forget!, lol)  Just wanted to keep you updated about what was going on and why the final post and review wouldn't be up tonight.