Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Crest 3D White Professional Effects Whitestrips

Woot!  I was lucky enough to be selected by Influenster to receive a box of Crest 3D White Professional Effects Whitestrips to try out and review for free!


I'm starting my 20 day whitening treatment today, can't wait to see how beautiful my teeth look 20 days from now!! You only have to wear the strips once per day for 30 minutes. No problem, I can do that while showering in the morning, reading my emails, watching TV, cleaning the house or getting ready for bed!

 Here's what the strip packet looks like.  I love how they combined the strips together in 1 packet, instead of one each for the lower and upper teeth like the strips I tried previously. 

This is the before photo, my starting 
point for my whitening journey:

Here's my teeth with the strips on.  Barely noticeable!  And I'm sitting here wearing them tonight while I type out this info, lol

I love these strips!! They use Advanced Seal No Slip Technology and have a much better grip than the older versions, which used to slide around on my teeth if I moved my lips too much. I'm able to talk and do whatever I want (except maybe eat, lol) with these on and they aren't moving at all!!

The box says you can notice a difference in color within 3 days, so check back on Saturday for an update and new photos! 

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