Monday, November 26, 2012

Day 7 Update!

Here is an updated picture showing my whitening progress on Day 7 of the Crest 3D White Professional Effects Whitestrips 20 day challenge.

I've noticed a definite change in my top teeth, even my canines finally!  My bottom teeth are looking slightly whiter, but still not much of a difference.  Still have 13 days left (not even half-way through!), so I have hope that I will continue to see changes in the color of my bottom teeth! *Fingers crossed*  =)

I did end up forgetting to use the strips for 1 day during all of the Thanksgiving/Black Friday madness, so my count is now a day behind where it should be for all future updates.  Check back on Tuesday or Wednesday for a new photo and Day 12 update (which is today)!

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